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Hope You Slept Well?

As stated before, after the whole skincare CEM or CTM method, you should relax, if possible get a proper sleep.

Sleep Protects Your Skin Your skin goes through much of its restoration while you sleep. If you cut back on sleep, you're reducing the amount time your skin has to repair and that can greatly affect the way you look.

A consistently full night of rest changes your appearance for the better. Among the many benefits of sleep for the skin, a more radiant complexion, reduction of timelines and less inflammation are the most important. Once you stop poor sleeping habits, establish a healthy routine and incorporate beauty sleep in to your skincare, the result will literally show on your face. It is the cheapest way to a radiant skin as it costs nothing but is invaluable as it can help improve skin tone and suppress under eye circle


The benefits of sleep for skin include fewer wrinkles, less sagging, rejuvenated color, fewer acne blemishes, and less inflammation. Explore the section below to learn how sleep affects skin in addition to your overall well-being. TO GET A GOOD NIGHT REST • Exercise during the day. Sleep and skin may both improve if you make it a point to exercise every day. Not only will exercise increase blood flow and oxygen circulation to your complexion, but it will also help you sleep better at night. The more rigorous your work outs, the more powerful the sleep benefits, but even light exercise can improve the quality of your rest. However, avoid being active too close to bedtime. • Be mindful of when and what you eat or drink Everything you eat or drink affects your sleep (and your skin!)—especially whatever you consume a few hours before bedtime. To prevent sleep deprivation and skin conditions, steer clear of caffeine, alcohol, big meals, sugary foods, and refined carbs as much as possible, but particularly at night.

• Get a full night of sleep The best place to start for your skin — and for your overall health — is to get the recommended amount of rest each night. At least, 8-7 hours of sleep would do. And if you fall into the extremely busy class, you can always catch up on your sleep during the weekends. • Wash your face before going to bed We’ve established how sleeping is a sure way to help your skin repair itself: blood flow increases, collagen is rebuilt, and the muscles in your face relax after a long day. But going to sleep with a dirty face can also harm the appearance of your skin. Cleansing your face each night is very important . A gentle, natural cleanser to remove dirt, makeup, and extra oil will do the trick. ***Keeping the days dirt on your face can cause; -large pores -dry skin -rashes -infections -inflammation -acne outbreaks • Use an overnight moisturizer • Always put a glass of water by your bedside. Not only does sleep help your skin, but it also boosts your mood, strengthens your immunity and balances your system. With the right amount of sleep, you'll wake up feeling refreshed and at your beautiful best🤗

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